Masuk Daftar

kalau perlu bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "kalau perlu"
  • kalau:    if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only
  • perlu:    had need of; have need of; having need of;
  • kalau:    if; as long as; suppose that; for example; only if; when; in case; maybe; could be; and then; perhaps; as for; possibly
  • kalau kalau:    can be; perhaps; maybe; possibly
  • kalau-kalau:    for fear that; lest; possible; potential
  • perlu:    had need of; have need of; having need of; imperative; necessarily; necessary; needed; require to be; should; must; of the essence; want; take; requirement; involve; integral; demand; have; all-impo
  • bagaimana kalau:    how about; suppose; what if?
  • kalau begitu:    in that case; then; at this/that rate; in that event; and so; so
  • kalau bukanya:    if not
  • kalau diminta:    on request
  • kalau diperlukan:    if need be
  • kalau kosong:    if empty
  • kalau saja:    if only
  • kalau terjadi:    in case of
  • kalau tidak:    else; except that; or; otherwise; or else; unless; if not; or even; instead
  • We'll put up our handkerchiefs if we have to.
    Kita naikkan sapu tangan kita kalau perlu.
  • We can stay here all night if we have to.
    Kita boleh semalaman disini kalau perlu.
  • Not for any reason, should you use your powers again.
    Kalau perlu, kamu pakai kekautanmu lagi.
  • Search all of Wisconsin if you have to.
    Aku tidak peduli. Cari di seluruh Wisconsin kalau perlu.
  • Well, search the skies, if you must, minister.
    Well, periksa langitnya, kalau perlu, Pak Menteri.
  • You need to holler at me about them sneakers, man.
    Kau panggil aku kalau perlu sepatu, Kawan.
  • Send a pigeon if you have to, okay?
    Kirim pakai burung merpati kalau perlu, oke?
  • I'll even quit weed if I have to
    Kalau perlu aku akan berhenti menghisap ganja.
  • I'll go to the papers if I have to.
    Aku akan pergi ke surat kabar kalau perlu.
  • Ride him around the yard a few times if you have to.
    Kalau perlu kau "Tunggangi Dulu".
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5